Thursday, February 21, 2013


Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit   
  • Monitor body weight
  • Monitor fluid intake and output
  • Monitor BP and heart frequency
  • Evaluation of skin turgor, capillary refill and mucous membrane conditions
  • Give fluid intake 3-4 L / day
  • Inspection of skin / mucous membranes for petechiae, ecchymoses area; noticed bleeding gums, blood color of rust or vague in feces and urine, bleeding from the puncture further invasive.
  • Implement measures to prevent tissue injury / bleeding
  • Limit oral care to wash mouth when indicated
  • Give diet a smooth
  • Collaboration:
    • Give IV fluids as indicated
    • Supervise laboratory tests: platelet count, Hb / Ht, freezing
    • Provide HR, platelets, clotting factors
    • Maintain a central vascular access device external (sub-clavicle artery catheter, tunneld, implantable ports)
 Acute Pain
  • Assess complaints of pain, notice changes in the degree of pain (using a scale of 0-10)
  • Monitor vital signs, note the non-verbal clues such as muscle tension, anxiety
  • Provide quiet environment and reduce stressful stimuli.
  • Place the client in a comfortable position and prop joints, extremities with pillows.
  • Change the position of periodic and soft assistive range of motion exercises.
  • Provide comfort measures (massage, cold compresses and psychological support)
  • The review / enhance client comfort interventions
  • Evaluate and support the client's coping mechanisms
  • Encourage the use of pain management techniques. Example: relaxation exercises / breathing in, touch.
  • Auxiliary therapeutic activity, relaxation techniques.
  • Collaboration: Monitor levels of uric acid, give the medication as indicated.

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